Module Lang

This library provides a domain-specific language for defining invertible parsers, Lang.Common.parseable. Assembly parsers and decoders are unified in this framework. For example, a decoder is just a parser with byte strings as input. Abiding by some minor constraints, these parses can be made to be reversible, enabling their use in a bi-directional conversion (see Lang.Analysis.unparse).

This is oriented towards simple parsers for assembly instructions with limited syntactic complexity. The parsers are specified directly in a restricted combinator-like language. Unlike, e.g., a grammar with recursive non-terminals and production rules, there is no facility for a parser to reference another parser. Each parser is its own tree of nested alternatives and/or sequential tokens.


Suggested reading order below. The central parser abstraction is Common.parseable.

module Common : sig ... end

Common base classes for defining a parseable object.

module Parse : sig ... end

Functions concerning the execution of Common.parseable objects as Angstrom.t parsers.

module Analysis : sig ... end

Functions for analysing and transforming Common.parseable objects, notably including the Unparse module.