Module Lang.Analysis

Functions for analysing and transforming Common.parseable objects, notably including the Unparse module.

val matches_empty : Common.parseable -> bool

Determines if the given parseable accepts the empty string.

For this function, a parseable p is considered empty if: for all p2, the parser Seq [p; p2] accepts at least p2. Note that Common.parseable.Eof is not empty by this definition.

Attempts to create a parseable which performs l then r, but pushes r as deep as possible to maximise backtracking.

Attempts to modify the given parseable to require Common.parseable.Eof immediately after it.

Obtains the set of names which are possibly bound when parsing the given parseable.

Names are bound by Common.parseable.Bind structures.

val disjunctive_clauses : Common.parseable -> Common.parseable CCList.t

Converts the given parseable into its disjunctive clauses.

The disjunctive clauses are such that Or (disjunctive_clauses p) accepts the same language as the original p, and none of the disjunctive clauses contain an Or within them.

Warning: The number of disjunctive clauses is exponential in the number of sequential Common.parseable.Or terms.


module Unparse : sig ... end

Implementation of the "unparsing" functionality. The goal of this feature is to enable parsers to be used as printers by manually providing a Common.bindings object with a structure matching those returned by Parse.run_parse.