Module Lang.Parse

Functions concerning the execution of Common.parseable objects as Angstrom.t parsers.

Utility methods

val make_failure_message : string list -> string

Constructs an error message from the given parse stack trace.

module AngstromSyntax : sig ... end

Operators and let-bindings imported from Angstrom.

val space : unit Angstrom.t

Parses zero or more whitespace characters (space or tab).

Parser execution

val run_parse_with_stack : Common.parseable -> string list -> (Common.output * Common.bindings) Angstrom.t

Converts the given parseable to an Angstrom parser while building a parse stack for debugging messages.

Converts the given parseable to an Angstrom parser.

val run_parse_of_string : Common.parseable -> string -> (Common.output * Common.bindings, string) result

Executes the parseable on the given string by first converting it to Angstrom.

The string must match entirely.