This module implements pretty printers for the OCaml AST's version used by ppxlib.
Those pretty printers show the AST as its OCaml representation and do not pretty print the corresponding source code. For printing ASTs as source code use the Ppxlib.Pprintast
module instead.
For example, calling Pp_ast.expression Format.std_formatter [%expr x + 2]
will print:
Pexp_apply ( Pexp_ident (Lident "+") , [ ( Nolabel, Pexp_ident (Lident "x")) ; ( Nolabel, Pexp_constant (Pconst_integer ( "2", None))) ] )
To keep the output easily readable, records with _desc
fields such as Ppxlib.Ast.expression
or Ppxlib.Ast.pattern
are not printed as such and only the value of the corresponding _desc
field is printed instead. This prevents AST nodes metadata, such as locations or attributes, from polluting the output, keeping it relatively concise and clean. The same goes for Location.loc
values which are printed as the value of their txt
and Ppxlib.Ast.attributes
are not displayed by default even outside of the records mentioned above.
The Config
module below allows to override part or all of this behaviour. When configured to display locations or attributes, the entire record will be displayed, not only its _desc
module Config : sig ... end
type 'a pp = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type 'a configured = 'a pp
module type S = sig ... end
module type Conf = sig ... end
module type Configured = S with type 'a printer = 'a configured
module type Configurable = S with type 'a printer = 'a configurable
module Make (Conf : Conf) : Configured
val make : Config.t -> (module Configured)
module Default : Configured
include Configurable
type 'a printer = 'a configurable
val structure : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.structure_item list printer
val structure_item : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.structure_item printer
val signature : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.signature_item list printer
val signature_item : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.signature_item printer
val expression : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.expression printer
val pattern : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.pattern printer
val core_type : Astlib.Ast_500.Parsetree.core_type printer