Module Arm.Asmtemplate

val isspace : char -> bool
val isword : char -> bool
val isupper : char -> bool
type parsed_template =
  1. | Spaces of bool

    A location that permits a space. Bool indicates whether that space should be expanded when printing.

  2. | Literal of string
  3. | Placeholder of string
  4. | Optional of parsed_template
  5. | Choice of parsed_template list
  6. | Sequence of parsed_template list
val show_parsed_template : parsed_template -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val parse_literal : parsed_template Angstrom.t
val parse_spaces : parsed_template Angstrom.t
val parse_placeholder : parsed_template Angstrom.t
val foo : unit -> unit Angstrom.t
val parse_optional : unit -> parsed_template Angstrom.t
val parse_choice : unit -> parsed_template Angstrom.t
val parse_asmtemplate : unit -> parsed_template Angstrom.t
val adds : string list
val string_of_asmtemplate : string list -> string
val placeholders : parsed_template -> string list
val suspicious_choice : Types.InstEnc.t -> parsed_template -> bool
val run_parse_asmtemplate : Types.InstEnc.t -> (parsed_template, string) result